Our Ref: NYP/1671/ Impossible 3-5 St Helens Square


Email: NYPLicensing@northyorkshire.police.uk


Address: Licensing Services

               Hazel Court



               YO10 3DS



Date: 10th November 2021


Notice of Objection


Temporary Event Notice for

Impossible 3-5 St Helens Square, York



Dear Licensing Authority,


I acknowledge receipt of the Temporary Event Notice (TEN) submitted by Miss Stephanie Jayne Powell, for Impossible Wonderbar & Tea rooms 3-5 St Helens Square, York, received by North Yorkshire Police on 5th November 2021 and which relates to licensable activities between the following times:-


·         2200hrs-0300hrs on 25th November 2021- 26th November 2021

The purpose of this letter is to serve notice on you under Section 104(2) Licensing Act2003 of my objection to Miss Powell’s Temporary Event Notice.


I believe that granting the TEN would undermine the following licensing objectives:-


·         The Prevention of Crime and Disorder

·         The Prevention of Public Nuisance

·         Public Safety

·         Protection of Children from Harm

The reasons for my objection are outlined below:-


Impossible Wonderbar and Tea Rooms is located in the Red Zone of York’s Cumulative Impact Area, identified as such due to the concentration of licensed premises and the alcohol fuelled Crime and disorder and Anti-social behaviour already experienced in the vicinity. It is imperative that licensed premises within this area have robust operating conditions to ensure the promotion of all 4 licensing objectives.

Both premises (3 & 5 St Helens Sq) do have existing Premises Licences, issued under CYC-67635 and CYC-67636, with the Premise Licence Holder for both being Tokyo Industries (Yorkshire) Ltd and permit licensable activities on the day applied for (Thursday) from 0800-0100hrs only.

The licences, alongside mandatory licensing conditions, both have 2 conditions attached under Annex 2 and a further 32 conditions each added following a licensing hearing under Annex 3 (please refer to licences for full list of conditions). Conditions which were put in place in order to mitigate risk and promote the licensing objectives in this special policy area.


The applicant has chosen to apply for a TEN for their event and not operate under the Premise Licence. As such if this TEN were to be granted then both the mandatory and additional conditions on the licence for both premises would not have to be adhered to. This would allow the premises to operate in whichever way they saw fit without consequences.

North Yorkshire Police would not support the premises operating in the Cumulative Impact area with no conditions in place to mitigate risk likely leading to additional crime and disorder and public nuisance and compromising public safety. This would put further strain on local resources in this busy city centre venue.



On the Temporary Event Notice where it states, please describe the nature of the event below the applicant has stated:-




It also states ‘DJ 1pm-3am’


After repeated attempts to contact the applicant via phone and email and having received no contact back I am unable to gain any further information about this event. I cannot see this event advertised on the website for the premises and therefore cannot gain any further information.


North Yorkshire Police strongly believe that if licensable activities were to be permitted under a Temporary Event Notice for an event with licensable activities from 2200hrs-0300hrs on a Thursday evening without control measures in place in the Cumulative Impact Zone with no mandatory or operating conditions, the licensing objectives of The Prevention of Crime and Disorder, Public Safety, Prevention of Public Nuisance and Protection of Children From Harm would be undermined. Consequently, North Yorkshire Police do not support this Temporary Event Notice.



Yours Sincerely,




PC 1671 Kim HOLLIS

Alcohol Licensing Officer (York)

Partnership Hub

North Yorkshire Police

Mobile 07802 385220

Tel: 101

Email:- kimberley.hollis@northyorkshire.police.uk


